List of members of the House of Plantagenet

This is a list of members of the House of Plantagenet. It includes only those who were members of the male-line descent from King Henry II, and consequently bore his "surname", Plantagenet.

Henry II of England, 1133 - 1189, had 5 sons;

1. William IX, Count of Poitiers, 1153 - 1156, died in infancy
2. Henry the Young King, 1155 - 1183, died without issue
3. Richard I of England, 1157 - 1199, died without legitimate issue
4. Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, 1158 - 1186, had 1 son;
A. Arthur I, Duke of Brittany, 1187 - 1203, died without issue
5. John of England, 1167 - 1216, had 2 sons;
A. Henry III of England, 1207 - 1272, had 6 sons;
I. Edward I of England, 1239 - 1307, had 6 sons.
a. John of England, 1266 - 1271, died young
b. Henry of England, 1267 - 1274, died young
c. Alphonso, Earl of Chester, 1273 - 1284, died young
d. Edward II of England, 1284 - 1327, had 2 sons;
i. Edward III of England, 1312 - 1377, had 8 sons;
1. Edward, the Black Prince, 1330 - 1376, had 2 sons;
A. Edward, 1365 - 1372, died young
B. Richard II of England, 1367 - 1400, died without issue
2. William of Hatfield, 1337 - 1337, died in infancy
3. Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, 1338 - 1368, died without male issue
4. John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, 1340 - 1399, had 4 sons;
A. John of Lancaster, 1362 - 1365, died in infancy
B. Edward Plantagenet, 1365 - 1368, died in infancy
C. John Plantagenet, 1366 - 1367, died in infancy
D. Henry IV of England, 1366 - 1413, had 5 sons;
I. Edward Plantagenet, 1382 - 1382, died in infancy
II. Henry V of England, 1387 - 1422, had 1 son;
a. Henry VI of England, 1421 - 1471, had 1 son;
i. Edward of Westminster, 1453 - 1471, died without issue
III. Thomas, Duke of Clarence, 1388 - 1421, died without issue
IV. John, Duke of Bedford, 1389 - 1435, died without issue
V. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 1390 - 1447, died without male issue
5. Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York, 1341 - 1402, had 2 sons;
A. Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York, 1373 - 1415, died without issue
B. Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge, 1375 - 1415, had 1 son;
I. Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, 1411 - 1460, had 8 sons;
a. Henry of York, 1441 - 1441, died in infancy
b. Edward IV of England, 1442 - 1483, had 3 sons;
i. Edward V of England, 1470 - ?, died without issue
ii. Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York, 1473 - ?, died without issue
iii. George Plantagenet, Duke of Bedford, 1477 - 1479, died young
c. Edmund, Earl of Rutland, 1443 - 1460, died without issue
d. William of York, 1447 - 1447, died in infancy
e. John of York, 1448 - 1448, died in infancy
f. George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, 1449 - 1478, had 2 sons;
i. Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick, 1475 - 1499, died without issue
ii. Richard of York, 1476 - 1477, died in infancy
g. Thomas of York, 1451 - 1451, died in infancy
h. Richard III of England, 1452 - 1485, had 1 son;
i. Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, 1473 - 1484, died young
6. Thomas of England, 1347 - 1348, died in infancy
7. William of Windsor, 1348 - 1348, died in infancy
8. Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester, 1355 - 1397, had 1 son;
A. Humphrey Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Buckingham, 1381 - 1399, died without issue
ii. John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, 1316 - 1336, died without issue
e. Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk, 1300 - 1338, had 2 sons;
i. Edward of Norfolk, 1320 - 1334, died young
ii. John Plantagenet, 1328 - 1362, died without issue
f. Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent, 1301 - 1330, had 2 sons;
i. Edmund Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Kent, 1326 - 1331, died young
ii. John Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Kent, 1330 - 1352, died without issue
II. Edmund Crouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster, 1245 - 1296, had 3 sons;
a. Thomas Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, 1278 - 1322, died without issue
b. Henry, 3rd Earl of Lancaster, 1281 - 1345, had 1 son;
i. Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster, 1310 - 1361, died without male issue
c. John of Beaufort, Lord of Beaufort, 1286 - 1327, died without issue
III. Richard of England, 1247 - 1256, died young
IV. John of England, 1250 - 1256, died young
V. William of England, 1251 - 1256, died young
VI. Henry of England, 1256 - 1257, died young
B. Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall, 1209 - 1272, had 5 sons;
I. John of Cornwall, 1232 - 1233, died in infancy
II. Henry of Almain, 1235 - 1271, died without issue
III. Nicholas of Cornwall, 1240 - 1240, died in infancy
IV. Richard of Cornwall, 1246 - 1246, died in infancy
V. Edmund, 2nd Earl of Cornwall, 1249 - 1300, died without issue

Upon the death of Edward, Earl of Warwick, the House of Plantagenet became extinct in the male line, an astonishing fate for a dynasty whose members produced many sons, especially Edward III, who had five sons who survived to adulthood. The Plantagenets seem to have been cursed by early deaths and a tendency not to have children. Internal warfare in the family, such as those between the sons of Henry II and the descendants of Edward III, spelled the end of the Plantagenet line.

The Dukes of Beaufort and the Barons Raglan are descendants in the male line of the House of Plantagenet, albeit through illegitimate descent from John of Gaunt.

Ancestral descent

Geoffrey, Count of Gâtinais, had 2 sons;

1. Geoffrey III, Count of Anjou
2. Fulk IV, Count of Anjou, 1043 - 1109, had 2 sons;
A. Geoffrey IV, Count of Anjou, d. 1106, died without issue
B. Fulk of Jerusalem, 1089 - 1143, had 4 sons;
I. Helias, Comte De Maine ? - 1151, died without male issue
II. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, 1113 - 1151, had 3 sons;
a. Henry II of England, 1133 - 1189 - see above
b. Geoffrey, Count of Nantes, 1134 - 1158, died without issue
c. William FitzEmpress, 1136 - 1164, died without issue
III. Baldwin III of Jerusalem, 1130 - 1162, died without issue
IV. Amalric I of Jerusalem, 1136 - 1174, had 1 son;
a. Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, 1161 - 1185, died without issue